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Pioneers in Low Pressure Moulding We can do it virtually too - electronica virtual, YouTube channel, new website

Pioneers at work

Since the development of the Low Pressure Moulding technology in the 80s, the process has been continuously developed and therefore becomes interesting for ever more industries and areas of electronics manufacturing.

Thermoplastic hotmelts with adhesive properties, low processing pressures and short cycle times offer the perfect basis for protecting electrical and electronic components.

Increasingly new areas of application are made possible by constantly expanding properties of the moulding materials – e.g significantly improved hydrolysis resistance, thermal conductivity and temperature resistance of below -50°C.

OptiMel makes a contribution to the constant innovation of materials by supporting the further development of Technomelt® materials as a partner of Henkel – e.g. thorough processing tests and project samples.

And we are constantly rethinking low pressure moulding in terms of process and production equipment and make it possible to use it for an ever wider range of projects.

With us you get the „whole package“ of suitable moulding material, tailor-made equipment and know-how for process design in order to be able to use Low Pressure Moulding for your projects in the best possible way. The perfect solution for demanding requirements in the protection of electrical and electronic components.

electronica Munich goes virtual - we were part of it

 electronica virtual  09. - 12.11.2020 

We would like to thank all visitors of our first virtual trade fair apparance at electronica virtual 2020.

Our showroom will remain open for you visit.

You can also arrange personal appointments there for individual consulting.

Collaboration with Henkel

As a machine and development partner we work closely with Henkel and support the constant innovation of Technomelt potting materials. Information about the moulding materials can be found on our webpage.

OptiMel in the trade press


 As part of the connector congress 2019, Elektronikpraxis Vogel reports on the Low Pressure Moulding technology in the 3rd special for electromechanics. (In German) 

Elektronik Produktion und Prüftechnik

On pages 34-36, the magazine presents our innovative development in Low Pressure Moulding, which enables reliable adhesion to metal for the first time. (In German) 

Elektronikpraxis Vogel

In 2020 Elektronikpraxis Vogel takes up on OptiMel´s participation in a development project in the photovoltaic industry. (In German) 

Just make sure you stop by!

… in our virtual showroom!

And arrange your personal appointment directly from there.  

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